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Kenneth Grahame

Grahame [pronounced grA´um] was born in 1859 as the son of a lawyer from an old Scottish family. Due to the alcoholism of his father, Grahame was brought up by elderly relatives. In the early years he lived with his family in the Western highlands. When his mother died, the children were sent to live with their maternal grandmother in the village of Cookham Dene, the chief setting of The Wind in the Willows (1908). Educated at St. Edward's School, Oxford, Grahame entered the Bank of England where he was a secretary. His works are noted for their humor and charm.

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Pulsa en REPRODUCIR para escuchar.

Mole thought his
happiness was complete when suddenly he stood
by the edge of a full-fed river. Never in his life
had he seen a river before...

ACENTO ESCOCÉS: La voz femenina del audio es nativa de Escocia. La pronunciación enfática o muy vibrante de la /r/ constituye un rasgo característico del acento escocés. Puedes oír varios ejemplos de este sonido si prestas atención, por ejemplo, a las palabras resaltadas en color verde.


The Wind in the Willows

El Viento entre los Sauces

The Mole was bewitched, entranced, fascinated.

El Topo estaba hechizado, encantado, fascinado.

As he sat on the grass and looked across the river, a dark hole in the bank opposite, just above the water's edge, caught his eye ...


Cuando se sentó en la hierba y miró al otro lado del río, un agujero negro en la orilla opuesta, justo sobre el borde del agua, llamó su atención ...

As he gazed, something bright and small seemed to twinkle down in the heart of it, vanished, then twinkled once more like a tiny star. But it could hardly be a star in such an unlikely situation ...


Mientras lo contemplaba, algo brillante y pequeño pareció centellear en el interior, se desvaneció y luego centelleó una vez más como una diminuta estrella. Pero difícilmente podría ser una estrella estando en un lugar tan inverosímil ...

Then, as he looked, it winked at him, and so declared itself to be an eye; and a small face began gradually to grow up round it, like a frame round a picture.


Entonces, mientras miraba, algo pestañeó, con lo que mostraba ser un ojo; y una cara pequeña comenzó a crecer gradualmente en torno a este; como un marco en torno a una pintura.

A brown little face, with whiskers.


Una pequeña cara marrón, con bigotes.

A grave round face, with the same twinkle in its eye that had first attracted his notice.


Una seria cara redonda. con el mismo destello en el ojo que había atraído su atención al principio.

Small neat ears and thick silky hair. It was the Water Rat!


Con pequeñas y elegantes orejas y tupido pelo sedoso. ¡Era la Rata de Agua!

Then the two animals stood and regarded each other cautiously.


Entonces los dos animales se pusieron de pie y se miraron uno a otro con cautela.

"Hullo, Mole!" said the Water Rat. "Hullo, Rat!" said the Mole.


"¡Hola, Topo!", dijo la Rata de Agua. "¡Hola, Rata!", dijo el Topo.



noted for: widely known and esteemed (apreciados, valorados por)
brought up:
educated (educado)
looked across:
looked out over (miró hacia el otro lado de)
to twinkle down: to glow (brillar, resplandecer)
to grow up: to develop (crecer, desarrollarse)


full-fed river: a completely full waterway (río caudaloso)
it could hardly be:
it is necessary that it is (difícilmente podría ser)
each other: mutually (mutuamente, el uno al otro)