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Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

Argentina's leading writer, educator
and policitician served as President
from 1868 to 1874. The passage below
belongs to one of the indisputable classics
of Spanish American literature.


The Feat of Saint Peter
My Mother

La Fiesta de San Pedro
Mi Madre

The feast of Saint Peter was always celebrated by a splendid banquet given by our uncle the curate and he knew the rights and desires of the children of the family to attend the festivities. Many times the curate asked, "Why did I not see Domingo? I haven't seen him. And Paula?" And to this day he supposes that it was obedience to my mother's orders, instead of poverty, which prevented our attendance.

La fiesta de San Pedro fue siempre acompañada de un espléndido banquete que daba el cura, nuestro tío;  y sábese el derecho y el deseo de los niños de la familia a hacer parte de la estrepitosa fiesta. No pocas veces el cura preguntaba: "¿Y Domingo, que no lo veo? Y la Paula?...", y hasta hoy sospechaba que esta dolorosa ausencia era ordenada e hija de un plan de conducta de parte de mi madre en lugar de la pobreza que imposibilitaba nuestra asistencia.

I must mention one more characteristic anecdote of my mother. She had a friend of her infancy, Doña Francisca Venegas, from whom death separated her at the age of sixty. She was the last of that name in San Juan as I see in Mallea's report.

Debo comentar otra característica anecdótica de mi madre. Tuvo una amiga de infancia de quien la separó la muerte a la edad de 60 años, doña Francisca Venegas. Fue ella la última de este apellido en San Juan según  veo en el  interrogatorio de Mallea.

The two friends had continued to visit each other devoting one whole day to the delight of fusing their two families into one, and the same friendship has united the daughters of both.


Visitábanse ambas amigas, consagrando un día entero a la delicia de confundir sus familias en una, uniendo a las niñas de una y otra la misma amistad.

Dona Francisca was a very wealthy woman but on the day that my mother passed with her our own servant went into the kitchen to prepare all the food which we were to consume during the day. The protest of twenty years against this practice of my mother's could never in the least change her firm and unalterable resolution, in order that the great pleasure of seeing her friend should not be obscured by the suspicion that she wished even for one day to put aside the duty of supporting her family, or to turn her face away to the inequalities of fortune.


Poseía cuantiosos bienes de fortuna doña Francisca, y el día que mi madre iba a pasarlo con ella, su criada pasaba a la cocina a disponer todas las provisiones de boca que debían consumir en el  día, sin que la protesta de veinte años contra esta práctica de mi madre, hubiese alterado jamás en lo mas mínimo su firme e inalterable propósito de que, al placer inefable de ver a su amiga se mezclase la sospecha de salvar así por un día siquiera el rudo deber de sostener a sus hijos, y doblar la frente ante la desigualdad de la fortuna.

Thus was practised at the humble home of the family of which I made a part the noble virtue of poverty. Happy are the poor who have had such a mother!


Así se ha practicado en el humilde hogar de la familia de que forme parte la noble virtud de la pobreza. ¡Bienaventurados los pobres que tal madre han tenido!


banquet: a ceremonial dinner party for many people (banquete)
curate: a person authorized to conduct religious worship (cura, sacerdote)
prevented our attendance:
prevented us from attending (impedía nuestra asistencia)
anecdote: short account of an incident, especially a biographical one (anécdota)

each other: mutually (mutuamente, la una a la otra)
fusing: mixing together different elements of the family (mezclar, fusionar)
very wealthy: very rich (muy adinerada, muy rica)
in the least: to any extent at all (en lo más mínimo)
to turn her face away: to refuse (doblegarse)
humble: poor (pobre, humilde)