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Simone Baines

Home of the Scottish Parliament

Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is a respectable community of lawyers, doctors and accountants. Each year it hosts the dignified and elegant Edinburgh Festival of classical music.
Its long connections with
royalty are evident – Prince Philip, the British Queen's husband, is known as the Duke of Edinburgh.
Edinburgh has a
wild side too, as celebrated in the film, Trainspotting, seen by millions around the world. Each year it hosts the Festival Fringe, a chaotic celebration of alternative performing arts that is now bigger than the Festival it sprang from.

Resembling a modern interpretation of a medieval castle on the outside and a trendy art gallery inside, the new National Museum of Scotland is set to become a new source of national pride for the Scots. So is the ‘upside down boats’ design of the Scottish Parliament building which is sited next to the Palace of Holyroodhouse. Enric Miralles of Barcelona was the architect of the home of the first Scottish Parliament for 300 years.

Edinburgh has more ghostly and gruesome tales per square mile than anywhere else in Scotland. When the famous Princes Street Gardens were being built, a lake had to be drained. On the empty lake bed the builders discovered hundreds of skeletons of women who had been drowned as witches.
The graveyard of the church of St Cuthberts has a watchtower. It was built in the 1820s to stop body-snatchers from stealing corpses.
The most famous of these body-snatchers, Burke and Hare, made a good living supplying bodies to the university medical school, where, author of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle later trained as a doctor.

For an unusual view of the city, take one of the tours of the Edinburgh underground. Reached through the back of an abandoned apartment, you'll find streets and rooms that were walled up many years ago and forgotten. Forgotten that is until the unfortunate apartment owner accidentally broke through his wall and found a part of the city unseen for hundreds of years.

If you fancy a breath of sea air, then Leith is just fifteen minutes from the centre. And overlooking Leith's quay is the Malmaison Hotel. Tatler magazine voted this the best hotel in the world for under £200 a night.
Showbiz stars (who could easily afford to pay more) are frequent visitors.
For a superb meal in eerie surroundings, try The Witchery restaurant, in the shadow of Edinburgh Castle. Lit only by candles, with a black interior, you feel sure there are other ghostly guests at your table.

Source: New English Digest


accountants: contadores
hosts: auspicia, presenta
royalty: la realeza
known as: conocido como
wild side: aspecto bravío
chaotic: caótica
it sprang from: del cual surgió

resembling: semejante a, parecido a
trendy: de moda, muy moderno
upside down boats: botes dados vuelta
ghostly and gruesome tales: historias fantasmagóricas y macabras
drained: desaguado, vaciado
lake bed: lecho del lago
skeletons: esqueletos
drowned: ahogados

witches: brujas
graveyard: cementerio
watchtower: atalaya, torre de vigía
body-snatchers: ladrones de cadáveres
stealing corpses: robar cadáveres
trained: entrenado
walled up: tapiados, enmurallados
apartment owner: dueño del apartamento
fancy: tienes ganas de
quay: muelle
showbiz stars: estrellas del cine y televisión
superb: soberbia
eerie: escalofriantes, espeluznantes
in the shadow of: a la sombra de
lit only by candles: iluminado sólo con velas
ghostly guests: invitados fantasmagóricos