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Susan Hill

Eat more vegetables
and try these
three recipes.


We have been told many times that the secret to a long life and good health is to eat more vegetables. Health experts say that the Mediterranean diet is one of the best in the world. Of course, you don’t have to visit the Mediterranean to enjoy the benefits of the healthy diet found there. Eating more vegetables, olive oil, fish and pasta will help to keep you healthy. Here are some ideas for you to try at home – without the travel...

Mediterranean Aubergines

Serves 6
3 medium sized aubergines
3 tablespoons olive oil
15g butter
1 large
onion, chopped
1/2 red or green pepper
400g canned plum tomatoes
1 clove of garlic
2 teaspoons of oregano
pinch of sugar
For the topping:
3 tablespoons of bread crumbs
2 tablespoons of butter
Grated cheese

Cut the aubergines in half and make cuts into the flesh. Sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. Rinse and dry the aubergines and fry them face down in the oil for a few minutes. Remove the aubergines and leave to cool. When the aubergines are cool scoop out the flesh with a spoon and place the skins in a oven proof dish.
Fry the onions in the butter and then add the peppers and tomatoes for five minutes. Add the aubergine flesh, oregano salt and pepper and cook together for a further five minutes.
Place the mixture into the aubergine skins and sprinkle the bread crumbs and grated cheese over the top. Bake in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes.
Serve with a salad and/or grilled fish.

serves 6:
para 6 porciones (o personas)
aubergines: berenjenas
cucharada sopera
chopped onion
: cebolla picada
canned: enlatados
clove of garlic: diente de ajo
teaspoon: cucharada de té
bread crumbs: migas de pan

grated cheese: queso rallado
: pulpa, carne
sprinkle: rociar, salpicar, cubrir
rinse: enjuagar
scoop out: ahuecar (con cuchara)
oven proof dish: recipiente para horno
a further five minutes: cinco minutos más
grilled fish: pescado asado (a la parrilla)


Tomato Salad Provençale Style  

Serves 6
675g large ripe tomatoes
Small bunch of spring onions
3 teaspoons salt
Black pepper
4 tablespoons wine vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 yellow pepper

Cut each of the tomatoes into eight sections and put into a bowl. If the tomatoes are small cut into four pieces.
Add the finely chopped spring onions. Sprinkle with the salt, black pepper, wine vinegar and olive oil. Mix together gently and leave for two or three hours at room temperature. Stir the mixture occasionally.
Arrange in a shallow dish and add the yellow pepper cut into strips with fresh basil for garnish. Serve the salad with grilled chicken or fish.
Other vegetables can be added to the salad if you wish. For example, cucumbers taste well with the tomatoes and peppers.

ripe: maduros
vinegar: vinagre
bowl: bol, recipiente
: suavemente
stir: revolver

shallow: poco profundo, chato
cut into strips
: cortado en tiras
basil: albahaca
garnish: aderezo
: pepinos



Serves 6
1 large aubergine
2 large green peppers
1 large onion
Small can of tomatoes
6 fresh tomatoes
1 clove of garlic
5 tablespoons of olive oil
salt and pepper
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of wine vinegar
1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Peel the aubergine and the onion. Prepare the green pepper and cut all the vegetables into small similar sized pieces. Fry the garlic and the onion in a pan until it is soft. Add all the remaining vegetables. Season with the salt and pepper and sugar.
Cover the mixture and cook for one hour. If the mixture becomes too thick add a small amount of water. Before serving add the wine vinegar and lemon juice.

small can: lata pequeña
peel: pelar
similar sized: de tamaño similar
pan: sartén
remaining: restantes

season: condimentar
too thick
: demasiado espesa
: agregar
: cantidad
lemon juice: jugo o zumo de limón

Dictionary work
The students can check the collocations from the above exercise in the text and use a dictionary to check any new vocabulary connected with cooking

Focus on form
Ask the students to underline the verbs in the recipes. Most of them are in the imperative form, which is what we usually use when giving instructions.

Ask your students to write out a recipe from their country which is based on vegetables. They should pay particular attention to the vocabulary and imperative form they have already observed in the text. You can collect these recipes together and start a class ‘Cookery Book’.

Pulsa aquí para consultar una lista de COOKING VERBS (verbos de cocina) con audio y presentación bilingüe.